How to get rid of the rumen

How to get rid of the rumen
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The problem of the accumulation of fat in the rumen area of ​​more problems that bother many people, is to get rid of fat rumen of the things that torn by questions, Vdoma see them looking for ways and means that will help them solve this problem, as the fat rumen area cause them serious damage, and lead to injury very seriously ill.

Therefore we will talk in this article about the roads, and solutions that are recommended to follow them to get rid of the accumulated fat in the belly area.

How to get rid of the rumen
Exercise, will be talking about the sport in more detail.
Check your weight every three days to see the amount of fat burned.
Try eating a green salad before you start eating your meal; they make you feel full, and not more than the chunky body fat in the abdominal area.
Always eat salt-free foods; they make liquids stored in your body which cause an increase in the weight of your belly.

The importance of sports
Sport is one of the most sound and important roads and highways to get rid of the accumulated fat in all parts of the body, including the rumen area; sport help you burn huge amounts of fat in record time, and that if I continued to practice daily, and followed the exercises important and special in the abdominal area, and this Snordha exercises shortly.
Specialists experts say that exercise to be undertaken to get rid of Girishk, it should be easy and harsh Tmarana so as not to cause further damage, and you have to exercise exercise is not directly on the ground; rather, cover with a light-framed bed or carpet or something like that To avoid injury, do not forget that you wear cotton clothes; it helps a lot to absorb sweat.
Pay particular attention to times of exercise; do not provide them after eating meals directly, but practiced an hour before eating or two hours, or after a meal an hour or two hours, and before going to sleep. And you have to start exercise Statistics as preparation and softening the muscles of your body before exercise exercise directly, and then take a little rest between each exercise and another.
May be exposed while you are doing aerobics to a strain in your muscles, it has Isepk dizziness, or difficulty in breathing, and if that happens you only need to stop performing the exercises, and the rest of the time with a simple job to do relaxation exercises.

Exercises help get rid of fat rumen area
Then lie down on the ground, put your hands under your head, then start lifting the top of the waist upwards, and keep a few seconds on this course, then come back as you. You should repeat this movement more than once.
Lie on the floor of your body, and you should try to be relaxed and straight, place your hands under your head then, and then start to lift your feet to the top, then count as you. You should repeat this exercise more than once.
Stand up straight put your hands around your waist, then start to move your torso to the right and once again to the left and the other forward until you make a right angle. You should repeat this exercise more than once
Then sit on the seat upright with knees bent and blocked: Start Pfthama and again and again

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